who we are

how everything started

Living on a dream...this is pretty much what I feel when I think of my job.
This very well describes the way  I've been living what I consider more a passion than a job.
Or, at least what I ever thought a true job was before starting this adventure.
It started in 2009.
It's so amazing spending the most part of your days thinking of what you have ever liked the most in your life.
I had to give up a lot to start walking this path and I would have been much richer now if had made a different decision the day I decided change my life into a new one.
I have no regrets!!
A good friend of mine once told me that the  richest people are not those with a full loaded wallet but those that can live their dreams. Agreed!!
Talking and fishing with clients/ friends, giving them my advices when they are required is always so rewarding for me.
I wouldn't change my job for any other.
I've always been driven by passions in my life, and even if I'm not a kid anymore I couldn't live my life differently.
I've been travelling a lot in all these years making new friends and learning as much as possible about fly fishing.
It's such an amazing universe, different places, different people, different cultures. 
But the most amazing thing is that all the anglers I've met so far  are all moved by the same insane passion!!